Publishers Weekly

Publishers Weekly required a redesign of their existing site. The previous website was cobbled together over time, without an overarching plan. This resulted in a site with no clear hierarchy of information and confusing navigation. In the redesign, the goal was to create a fresh look and a clear approach to accessing and displaying the vast amounts of information on the site.

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The Rules



I was contracted to redesign the website for The Rules in time for a rapidly approaching launch date. Working within the limitations of the already developed site, the goal was to make the site feel more open and reflect the humanity at the heart of the movement. The resulting redesign is more image oriented to effectively illustrate the core themes of the site.

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Sarah Graalman


Sarah Graalman is a make-up artist in New York City. She wanted her portfolio site to be clean and spare so that the focus would be on her work. She also needed a functionally simple and easy-to-update method to display her large collection of photography. After helping her define her specific needs and preferences, I designed and built her website.

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For over three years, I was the lead designer at My tasks ran the gamut from high level user interaction design, to building subsites for new ventures, to creating graphics for everyday editorial use. The role required working closely with outside web developers, satisfying the requirements of multiple internal departments, and maintaining a high standard for the visual work representing the company.

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